A really popular way to put a unique mark on a piece is to make a signature branding ion. These are really easy for you to create:
- Take a straight-on photo of a signature [ See our guide here for some tips ]
- Use our contact form to tell us you would like an iron made. We’ll send you an email address to send attachments to.
- Place an order (for a 2″ or larger iron) if you want a proof image made. We use “placed orders” to prioritize our work so we can keep up. (Don’t worry — If you aren’t happy with the proofs and don’t feel it is working out, I will quickly refund your order without any hassle. I’m in the happy people business).
- 2″ or larger iron are generally required to get the level of detail required for a “signature iron.”
#madeinusa #custom #brandingiron #fathersday #yeltrowshopllc #woodworking #brands #designideas #customlogo
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